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I Make Art In My Kitchen Residency


30th January–2nd February 2020


In 2020 resident artists were Nigel Turner & Karen Solly (Turner). They used Cavespace over the month of January to explore their positions within Cave and see if a collaborative artwork/installation can represent their vision of the final year there. This artwork collaborates experience of the space and its celebration and results in an event with exhibition/gathering/divorce😄 

I Make Art In My Kitchen was one month residency between 2018 and 2020 running twice a year, January and August with an event/open studio/meet the artist/workshop/conversation. On the final weekend of the month showing progress/conclusion (if there is one).

The main criteria was that the artist worked from home and they didn't have a studio to fulfil a project that takes time and space.

Artist would need to commit to at least 4 days a week at Cave using the space, they would have access during and after the usual Cave's opening hours so could come and go, there were a few usage rules regarding noise and trust.

Artist would be expected to work together with Cave to promote their project and the residency.

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Ideally proposals should link to Cave and its Ethos of Community engagement and Upcycling but not totally necessary. Cave's experience has shown that just spending time within the space usually rubs off and feeds into whatever artist may be doing!..


Priority was given to artists who engaged with Cave and shown their support in some capacity.​



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