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Looking at an internet images search for ‘cavewoman in art’ vs ‘caveman in art’ gives a stark visual reminder of why challenging patriarchies is needed! 

Were all stone age images made by men? Did cavewomen wear leopard skin bikinis?

CAVEWOMEN own our paradoxes and laugh at them. A group show of feminist art using practices that shaped the feminist art movement, subverting and reclaiming gender stereotypes from the mass media to positively assert female identities and address issues confronting patriarchy and sexism in art and society. Come join our Fem-Collage workshop, enjoy performance, video and artworks which will awaken your feminist anima.


7–10 March 2019


Opening event Thus 7th March 6-8pm with live performances from Tracy Smith, Eliza Brady and Jan Timms.


Sat 9 March Feminist collage workshop >more info here


Sun 10 March Drop in vulva collage workshop >more info here


>event videos 

>event pictures 

>participator catalogue

Cavewomen poster
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