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Introducing cave a space on a mission to find itself and its place in an ever changing throw away world…


The beliefs of the cave artists lie within the notion of art being an impulse to make!...


Today’s emerging artists entering the contemporary art world are aware that they will very likely have to commit to a second paying job for the foreseeable future to make ends meet. But with this knowledge they still make the decision to pursue a career in the arts.


cave was born out of a desire to satisfy our impulse to make while still having the means and opportunity to pay the rent…


The day to day running of cave comprises of a second hand shop with workshop, café, Gallery and studio space. Running Exhibitions and Artist Residences. Selling ready-mades, re-claimed and found objects some as seen, some being worked on by cave artists to create ad hoc and bespoke pieces to be sold to passing trade. We also generate income by the sale of works of art, craft, vintage and designer items from invited artists and donators…


cave's objectives are to keep the interest around the space exciting with an ever changing range of things on sale with proposed and spontaneous creative happenings within the space. A space that people will want to come to just to see ‘what’s happening there today’. The space is well stocked with the never ending amount of things found daily discarded on the streets of Pimlico from old furniture, re-claimed building materials and everyday objects. 


Connecting with other art spaces, galleries, artists, institutions, we will open up an exchange of ideas to realise the potential of the area and the diverse mix of people in it.


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